VisParams Documentation

RadGEEToolbox.VisParams.get_visualization_params(satellite, index, min_val=None, max_val=None, palette=None)

Function to define visualization paramaters for image visualization. Outputs an vis_params dictionary.

Args: satellite (string): Denote satellite for visualization. Options: ‘Landsat’, ‘landsat’, ‘Sentinel2’, or ‘sentinel2’ index (string): Multispectral index to visualize. Options: ‘TrueColor’, ‘NDVI’, ‘NDWI’, ‘halite’, ‘gypsum’, ‘LST’, ‘NDTI’, ‘KIVU’, or ‘2BDA’. NOTE: LST and KIVU is not available for Sentinel2, and 2BDA is not available for Landsat. min_val (int or float): Optional override for minimum value to stretch raster max_val (int or float): Optional override for maximum value to stretch raster palette (string): Optional override for color palette used for image visualization. Must be from GetPalette.get_palette() function. Options: ‘algae’, ‘dense’, ‘greens’, ‘haline’, ‘inferno’, ‘jet’, ‘matter’, ‘pubu’, ‘soft_blue_green_red’, ‘thermal’, ‘turbid’, ‘ylord’

Returns: dictionary: vis_params dictionary to be used when visualizing an image on a map. Supplies min, max, band(s), and color palette (when appropriate).